Pride LC-440 Power Stand Assist

Pride LC-440 Power Stand Assist

The Power Stand Assist is a seat lift designed for use throughout your entire home. The chair can easily assist with standing up from the dining room table or transferring into a wheelchair in the living room. With its stylish wood design and comfortable fabric cushions, the Power Stand Assist is the perfect addition to any decor.


Pride LC-440 POWER STAND ASSIST Features

Brand / Manafacturer pride
Product Type lift-chairslift-recliners
Category lift-recline-chair
Price Range balanced
Size Range

Pride LC-440 POWER STAND ASSIST Specification

Weight Capacity136 kg
Seat Width54.5cm
Seat Depth46 cm
Length x Width x height (if available)
cm x cm x cm

Pride LC-440 POWER STAND ASSIST Documents

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